VITality'07,February 14-18, 2007, Viswakarma Institute of Technology, Pune,

"VITality shows in not only the ability to persist but the ability to start over" –F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940).

VITality'07, National Level Technical Fest, at Viswakarma Institute of Technology, Pune, February 14-18, 2007

VITality: The very word denotes Life, Strength and Power. It brings to mind images of Fire, Light, Speed and raw dynamism. In short, VITality is the Power to Survive. But does everyone have it? After the success of events like Mechatrix, Vishwatronix, Techstacy, Endeavour, D’fusion and Prodigy, Vishwakarma Institute of Technology brings together a powerhouse technical ensemble – VITality, a fusion of the engineering domains to test and prove your mettle. For the first time, students from colleges all over India can come to compete with each other at V.I.T. VITality aims at offering a platform for some of the best brains in the nation to compete based on their engineering aptitude and at the same time display their skills at teamwork, project development and healthy competition. It is an endeavour to unite all minds to reach a common goal- Technological Excellence.
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